Apparently Carolyn is that brave. She wanted an illustration of her SIL (That's "Sister-in-law for you non-blogger types) sitting in a garden, wearing a garden apron, with a mixed drink in hand. I'm not particularly savvy when it comes to mixed drinks since I don't imbibe. So a martini was practically the only mixed drink I could come up with that I felt was easily recognizable.

You may remember Carolyn from an earlier, let's just say, interesting illustration that I did for her. If you haven't seen it you might enjoy checking it out.
Ooh Rick, I do love the ones where you colour them in right to the edges with flowers and things - did you manage to stay inside the lines?
Love it Rick. Like the expression on her face too.
Very nice picture Rick, and the Elk taking a dump is a classic. Found eggy too.... *smiles*
Cute.She probably hs to drink because it is so hot out! The little girl with the flamingos was cute. I like the glasses. Enjoy the wedding planning.
I love all those flowers!
You really captured her Rick! Very nice!
Thanks for your nice comment. I painted a truly awful painting last Saturday and have been beating myself up about it so your compliment came at a great time.
The OC fair is going well. I haven't been down there yet to see the show so I have no idea if I won anything or where my work was hung. I'm going this weekend though.
love it and especially love the one you had done before for her! I smy eggy friend doing a little dance there HUh HUH HUH
keep up the great work!
This is my first time at your blog and I'm loving it! You're incredibly talented and I will be back often.
You're very talented! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! A fellow Oregonian. My husband grew up on the coast. His dad is a retired State Policeman. Glenn McDonald? And We go to the Chetco every year! I'll be back to visit soon!
This is are quite a talent...I'm off to peruse your blog now..
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