This is Aileen (pronounced A-leen), and she recently ordered a caricature from me.

I like this drawing, if I do say so myself. Previously I have tried to draw this concept of paint flowing out of a brush. I gave up on that earlier attempt because I didn't like how it was turning out. This one turned out much better.

At the last minute I decided to follow the flow of colors on the color wheel when I filled in the stream of paint - rather than drawing in random colors. Doing that, I think, added to the appeal of the illustration. Maybe I should have used more green. I like green. (A reference of my last name for you uninformed readers out there.) Overall I am very please with the way Aileen's caricature turned out. And yes, Eggy is there.
Aileen was also interested in having her house included into the illustration. One look at the photo and you can tell that she is a unique individual, and I say that as complement. If you visit her blog , and take a look at some of her unique art, I think you will come to the same conclusion.

Aileen says that she is redesigning her blog so that she can use her new illustration there - to be posted there in the near future I am told.
Update: Aileen's illustration now sits on the header of her blog. I am really impressed with the way she has it incorporated into the scheme of her web page. Go take a peek and leave a nice comment.
I'm enjoying your blog, and I can certainly see why people are coming to you for caricatures. You're very good at them!!! Wow!
Wow, this is really really really really (really) impressive!
Can you put me on your list for July? I want to redesign my blog once this new baby comes and this would be perfect!!!
You do such lovely work - I am loving going through your blog!
Hi thanks for visiting my blog and for giving me the tip on the exercise ball. My chiropractor has them in his office... might have to ask him about them. Love your art!
That's fantastic!! Wow.
How creative and impressive.
Thanks for stopping by my little blog. Yes, she did sing in the rain :-) She sings everywhere. LOL.
*off to look at more of your blog*
I'm so thrilled with my illustration, Rick, thanks again for doing such an awesome job!!
You are good!! This caricature looks exactly like her. Might have to have you do one for my son the new Air Force enlistee!
Btw, not sure it's fair that you "baled out" of the newest tag. I suffered through so you should have to as well!! :-)
That is so gorgeous, Rick! It's officially my new favorite. I especially adore your smiley face flowers. Is that flower on the right giving the others a raspberry? I love it!
Wow you are talented! I can't wait to catch up on your blog.
Thanks for stopping by.
OH i just love all the color! Wonderful job!
I love the color flowing from the paint brush concept!
That's awesome! I'm sure she's very pleased.
Nice work. I found you after following a comment you left over on another blog.
I'll be back.
Wow, you do some really great work!
Not too shabby!! Very VERY colorful... you definitely fulfilled her request in my humble opinion. :)
I haven't seen the Cavemen commercials but I did here that they got their own TV show. Has it been cancelled yet? ;)
I just WISH I had this kind of talent! :)
You know, I think you're the most visually talented person who's stopped by my blog lately.
I love your drawings - some of them are really witty! I especially like the sub as a bear one. Funny stuff.
great job rick! i have to come visit often to see what incredibly creative ventures you're up to, and this visit was well worth it!
sounds like aileen is thrilled! what's not to like?
I think that's one of the best ones I've seen thus far. I can't imagine you doing a bad drawing of paint flow, but you nailed this one right on the head. It's perfect! I'm sure Aileen is very happy with it!
Thanks for visiting! You do incredible work!
Very very cool! Aileen is a lucky lady..and you are a very talented artist! I followed your link from a comment you left on MapperSnapper.
I love your drawings!! Could you please tell us all how much a caricature runs to have one made? I am interested :)
To anonymous:There is contact information on the right column of my blog to contact me about how to get a price. I don't like to publish what I charge, but most people find me VERY reasonable. I consider myself to be the cartoonist for the common man (and woman).
That is a great it!
Kathy Ray
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