It is with no small pride that I tell you she was crowned Homecoming Queen! What a joy! We're very proud of all our girls, but that was a special moment for us.

The added joy of going was that we got to see our eldest daughter and her (serious) boyfriend as well. So we had a bit of a family reunion.
As usual, I took my pad and created some more airplane art. I did a LOT of doodling on this trip. I don't think that I'll post it all at once. But here is an example of the kind of stuff that I do while I'm traveling - off the cuff (way off) - just whatever comes to mind. Don't ask me to explain it. The answer is that I don't know where it comes from. I just start drawing and this "stuff" comes out.

The egg-man is easy to find in this one.
That is something to be so proud of, congrats to your daughter and your family!!!!! What a fun time!
Congrats to your daughter! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love you artwork :)
congrats to your daughter, great family pictures too!
COngratulations to your daughter! It looks like a great family reunion!
That is wonderful. You have gorgeous family! By vintage I just meant that parts are scare to come know dif body style etc. You're practically a baby! ;)
What is the egg man? I've been looking and can't find him. What is he all about? I've never been good looking between the lines.
To Candace:The Egg-Man is basically a tiny little circle with arms and legs. I hide him in almost all of my drawings - just for fun. That's basically the whole reason - no deep significance.
If you zoom in on the drawing that I did for Dawn (Oct. 18th) you can find Eggy at the toe of the shoe, standing in the grass. Happy hunting.
Congratulations to you and your wife!!! And to your daughter as well! Wonderful family reunion!
chris p
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