A collection of doodles with a bit of commentary by RICK GREEN - your cartooning friend

Monday, July 27, 2015

Blogging Again

It's been so long since I've posted anything on this blog I think that I've almost forgotten how to do it. I have avoided this blog for the past several years and I would have probably deleted it a number of years ago but I couldn't find the "kill button." But, here I am, after a 15 hiatus, getting back into the blogging spirit by attempting to make another post.

I have no idea as to whether or not if anybody cares about this blog. So, I might just be talking to myself. BUT!, there is a reason for me to post something here.

Years ago I dreamed of the possibility of bringing one of the many children's stories that I've told over the years to publication. Recently one significant event happened that lead me to finally make a serious attempt at getting a book published. Back in April, Marylynn and I became grandparents. If you happen to be one of my Facebook friends, this is no revelation to you. I've posted a number of photos there. One of the request that my daughter, the mother of our grandson, Max, made that I put together a book for his nursery. This is me and Max hanging out.

A few years ago I began work on getting some illustrations done. A couple of months ago I finally went back to try and finish the project. Well, I've finally completed my illustrations for the book and now I'm in the process of trying to land a book publishing agent. After reading the requirements for submission, I noticed that they ask for a link to my webpage. Thus the reason for trying to breath life back into this blog. Perhaps this will satisfy an agent's or publisher's need for a way to check out my artistic skills.

Here now is the first illustration for my children's story, Sully Wants to Be a Rabbit. This is Sully and he is one unhappy skunk. What do you think?


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Welcome back!
Sully is sure cute. I know this will be a hit!!

joanne said...

cool, you're back. I've always thought you should do a book and the illustrations. Best of luck and let us know when it happens.

Chris H said...

Sully is cool!
Lovely to see you back, even if the reason is to help get your book published.

Unknown said...
