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I'm still working on caricatures all the time. They've been moving along much too slow for what I would like to do, but if you've ordered one from me, I haven't forgotten you, at least I don't think I've forgotten you. (If I had forgotten someone, how would I know if I've forgotten them?) Anyway, I think I've on target to get the art done for those of you who have deadlines.
Hang in there.
Glad we can't smell the cartoons.
To Coffee Bean: It's funny how the phrase, "Pull my finger" is universally understood.
Great characters! Do they resemble any of your co-workers?
To VanDerHoekArt: Perhaps just one person at that meeting - me.
Cute picture but EWWWW to the phrase Pull my finger.
My uncle, God rest his soul, was one of the "pull my finger" funny people. Believe me, we didnt' always have to pull his finger to get the joys:))
He was the original trickster, and although he passed away 9 years ago, just about anytime someone hears a fart joke, my uncle is fondly remembered, lol.
I'm waiting with baited breath and know you haven't forgotten :)
As 'coffee bean' said, yes I'm glad we can't smell your cartoon :)
Still don't know how you get away with drawing in meetings. I love your random ones.
...and yes I too had an uncle who did that 'gag'.
No offense but you work with some goofy looking people. If you are one of those people and you are reading this I am talking about someone else.
Hey Rick! Went to the local renaissance festival yesterday, I promised u some pictures sovisit my blog andcheck them out:))
nah ah you di'int.....where's your elephant rumbling under the chair? did sumthin die in here? what's that smell?
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