It's been a while since I've posted an edition of Family Practice; my one attempt for cartoon syndication and fame.
Some children are destined for fame and others for fortune...
Family finances can be interesting. I can't remember the exact inspiration for this particular strip, but it seems that something similar actually happened in our house. I do remember that the other day we did get some money from our middle daughter for helping to repair her car, and then we turned around and gave a big portion of it right back for her birthday.
Does that make any sense to you?
A collection of doodles with a bit of commentary by RICK GREEN - your cartooning friend
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Mixing It Up In The Garden
Apparently Carolyn is that brave. She wanted an illustration of her SIL (That's "Sister-in-law for you non-blogger types) sitting in a garden, wearing a garden apron, with a mixed drink in hand. I'm not particularly savvy when it comes to mixed drinks since I don't imbibe. So a martini was practically the only mixed drink I could come up with that I felt was easily recognizable.

You may remember Carolyn from an earlier, let's just say, interesting illustration that I did for her. If you haven't seen it you might enjoy checking it out.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Flamingo Ballet

This was the one caricature that I was able to complete while at the children's camp I recently attended. The children at the camp really seemed to like the drawing. I thought that it turned out pretty good. Creating a caricature of a child's face is always more challenging for me. Their faces are so smooth and have fewer distinct features that help identify a particular person.
(As I have said before: Give me an ugly face to draw and I'm a happy person. Some people I've drawn made me ecstatic!)
Thank you Sue for choosing me to help honor this lovely ballerina.
In other news... I'm sitting here at our dinning room table working on my computer as my two oldest daughters fill out wedding invitations. This week will be full of wedding stuff. We're knee deep into it, but it's soooo nice having all my girls home at once.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Mum's 60th
This was an involved drawing. For some reason, it took me a lot of time to get it done. There are a number of little details in the drawing. A drawing like this provides a number of opportunities to add little things. I wanted to give them something to look at for a while, and have fun making discoveries.
I hope that you will too.
In other news: My two oldest daughters are coming in for a visit beginning this weekend. We've got to drive up to Portland to pick them up - a seven hour drive one way. It's crazy living on the edge of the earth. So, once again, I'll be out of touch beginning tomorrow afternoon for a few days.
Next week the ladies will be working on wedding plans together. I think I've mentioned that the oldest is getting married in Oct. Good Lord! I'm already wedding'ed out! How will I make it for 2 1/2 more months?
Keep those cards and letters coming - or rather those comments coming. They warm my whittle heart.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Chocolate Attack

So, the concept came to me while I was munching down on my chocolate treat, and I had to draw it really quick. I thought that perhaps some of you, my kind readers of this blog, could identify with it.
One time I asked Marylynn, "What is it about women and chocolate?" To which she replied, "What is it about men and steak?" "Oh!" I said. "I think that I finally understand."
This is another "Copy & Share If You Dare" doodle. In other words, I give you permission to copy it, put it on your blog, print it out, share it with your friends, frame it and hang it on the frig.
Yes, of course, I'm just looking for attention. That's why I do these things. All I ask is that you tell me if you're using it so that I can smile. (My needs are so few.)
Also: I'll be out of touch beginning tomorrow, for three days. I am going on my second motorcycle trip to Crater Lake, Oregon.
Check out my pics from last summer's run.
There's no room on the bike for extras like a computer, so I will be off-line for a few days. Say a prayer and leave me a friendly note for my return.
You know I love the attention!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Matter of Perspective
Falling Down...

Being Sucked In...

Pushed Overboard...

Alien Abduction...

It's all a matter of your perspective.
In other news...
Recently, the aspiring, and inspiring, young artist
Justin made comment on my blog. Today he sent me an illustration that he said he drew for me. And, with his permission, I am posting it here.
Take a gander at Justin's blog and give this young artist and
new blogger some encouragement.
Thanks Justin for the illustration. Good work! I don't do trucks well, so it's with some reluctance that I'm posting it here. (Hee Hee)
P.S. Sorry, an "egg-less" post.

Being Sucked In...

Pushed Overboard...

Alien Abduction...

It's all a matter of your perspective.
In other news...
Recently, the aspiring, and inspiring, young artist
Justin made comment on my blog. Today he sent me an illustration that he said he drew for me. And, with his permission, I am posting it here.

new blogger some encouragement.
Thanks Justin for the illustration. Good work! I don't do trucks well, so it's with some reluctance that I'm posting it here. (Hee Hee)
P.S. Sorry, an "egg-less" post.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Phil - The Money Making Man
Like many of you, who have become my Internet friends, I've never met her, but we struck up a friendship because of a mutual interest in photography. Eti is an accomplished photographer, and in my opinion, her skills have improved greatly even in the little time that I've gotten to know her. Check out her albums in Webshots, and her personal web page. She's good! I'm telling you she's good. Her skills in manipulating digital images are especially impressive.
On my last post Eti dropped in and made a comment. It reminded me that I've never posted the illustration that I did of her husband, Phil. It's been so long since I drew this particular piece that I forget the circumstances. I think it was a birthday present, a gift of some kind anyway. Eti said that Phil enjoyed playing the market, and so anything that connected him with making lots of money would be good.
The above drawing is what I came up with. I think I could do a better job with this illustration today - I've gain so much experience since then. But even now, as I look at it, I think that it ain't bad.
(I'm pretty sure that my "little friend" made it into the drawing - it's been so long. But, I didn't take time to look.)
Also, When it rains, it pours. I was honored to be given two blog awards recently.


She presented it to me because I posted something on my blog for Dystonia Awareness Week. Check out her blog for more information about that. Bean is another Internet friend. She's on my list for another doodle soon. So, be looking for more about her very soon.
I'm still drawing all the time. So stay "tooned" for more.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Hot Rodding 101
BTW: I will be out of touch for a week. I am helping at a summer boys and girls camp - no internet connection there. I hope to get a lot of illustrating done, as my responsibilities at the camp aren't too demanding. I'm behind on my requests and I need to do some catching up.
Leave me a nice note for when I get back - next Saturday.
AND BEHAVE!! (Do I sound like your mother?)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 4th of July!

This is another "Copy & Share If You Dare", doodle. All I ever ask is that you give me a heads up if you do. Be sure to click on the image so that you can get the full size version.
Have a great 4th - even if you're not from the U.S. of A. Go ahead and take the day off. Tell your boss that I said it was okay.
Album Art

This is not a doodle, it's more like a "fiddle," because I fiddled around with the photo on my computer a while.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Is Your Sky Falling?

I don't know about the sky falling, but gas prices are sky rocketing! Before long everyone will be riding motorcycles. But that would be a good thing. Right?
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