Pat contacted me about creating a caricature of her son, a North Carolina State Trooper. She requested that the illustration incorporate the marked car that he use to drive, and the unmarked patrol car that he now drives. She wanted it for a Christmas gift.
You know me, I'm always looking for a way to add a comedic twist. Thus the obvious perpetrator in the foreground.

(Enough groveling to insure safe passage if by chance I should choose to travel through the fine state of North Carolina?)
This copy of the illustration ended up getting a few changes. Pat said that his uniform is gray, not beige. Also, the marked car in the background has a black stripe, not dark green on it. That's one of the inherent problems when working with photos e-mail over the internet. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to figure out colors. I made the changes, but didn't get a chance to make a digital copy before mailing it off to North Carolina.
Merry Christmas Pat. Thanks for using me to help make the holidays a bit more merry.
Rick, I really enjoyed the way this doodle was done. Nice composition. And, oh my goodness, Eggy aiding and abetting a speeder? No way! Or was he just going along for the ride? :) xxoo
LOL I love your cop photos! URMM drawings... they just make me smile! and eggy is the best!
HUGS Laura
where am I on the list??? so far i have ordered one gift for this year .... and you know what it is LOL...
I LOVE it!! I shared with hubby that I have a 'prezzie' in mind for him that I am hoping you will be doing next year in April. Will have to contact you soon about it..Have a great week brother!
Ughh..he's probably pulled me over before! That's an awesome doodle. My dad is a retired police officer, so I have the utmost respect for our officers. :)
Too funny! I hear the NC Troopers are pretty tough. My brother is a Georgia Sheriff's Deputy, so I'll have to get him to check out this doodle.
You have incredible talent! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this morning.
Arielle found him before I did. Now, that is a first. Great picture, Rick!
I'm so very proud of our NC Troopers-and I think your doodle does them justice!
Way too funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You might be right about the ghost!
I cannot wait to look through your blog and your cartooning. I used to draw (pastels) until I had my first child and then I think I lost all of the genes that control my artistic abilities!
Have a great day!
Cool blog, I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I have really enjoyed checking out your are amazingly talented!
That is too funny!
Great one!
Artists are always just one step ahead of the law, aren't we? LOL
Great post!
eggy was hard to find this time around, but i had a feeling he was somewhere near the grandma speeding away. great drawing, as always!
Hi Rick,
Thanks for visiting my blog recently. Especially since it pointed me to your blog... which I've enjoyed browsing tremendously. Love your quirky sense of humor and lighthearted cartoons.
BTW - I live in North Carolina and know only too well the color of a state trooper's car and uniform!
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