Speaking of "boogie -ing" - here is a drawing inspired by my wife's cancer treatments. In May of 2005, she woke me up by saying, "I feel a lump in my breast." Soon, we would learn that she had cancer and what followed was a whirlwind of treatments for the disease. During that time, we learned more about cancer than we ever wanted to know. At the start, we had no idea what we would be facing.
This drawing may seem a bit strange, but what it is to me is an attempt to bring humor to an otherwise tragic situation, and a means by which others can appreciate what one has to go through to fight the disease.
Not everyone with breast cancer (men can get it too) has to go through all the steps illustrated in this cartoon. My wife's treatment was aggressive because there were two tumors and one of them was large - according to our doctors.
I sent a copy of this to the American Cancer Society, but never heard back from them. Maybe the last step in the drawing seemed too negative for them. I don't know why they didn't acknowledge it, but I would have liked to gotten some kind of reply.
What do you think?