Check in tomorrow morning for the big announcement.
Here it is!! Welcome to my second annual Great Big Humongous Giveaway!
January 4th will mark two years since I started Organized Doodles. To celebrate I am giving away some PRIZES!
What are the prizes?
1. I am giving away a copy of one of my doodles to four different individuals, chosen by a random drawing. The selected winners will be asked to surf back through my blog and select one of the various doodles that I've posted in the past. After telling me which doodle they have selected I will send them a signed copy of the piece. I'll even pay for shipping. The possible selections do not include one of the caricatures that I've drawn for others. (But would you really want one of those?) But the possible selections DO include any one of the various pieces of cartoon artwork that I've posted on this blog.
2. I am giving away one free caricature drawn personally by me - the doodle king himself. Upon selection, all that the winner will have to do is e-mail me a clear, large photo of themselves, or of whomever they would like me to draw, and I will create for him, or her, their very own caricature - like the many, many that I've posted on my blog these past two years.
Please note: The caricature can only be an illustration of one individual - no group drawings please. (I know how some of you people operate.)
What's the Catch?
There is no catch. This is just my way of saying thanks to all the people that have made this blogging thing the adventure that it has been for me.
Two years ago I began Organized Doodles as a way to post my cartoons onto the world wide web. At that time I had an audience of zero. These past two years have give me the chance to digitally meet many great people. It's been a lot of fun.
This giveaway is my little way of saying thanks to all the people that visit my blog and have given me so much fun.
How do I sign up?
All you have to do is make a comment on this post and your name will be put into the hat, bowl, bath tub, whatever, for a chance to win. That's it! There's no creating a link on your blog back to this mine. No sending in five box tops. No giving away your first born child. (Not that you'd want to - right?) Nothing like that. Just make a comment (preferable a kind one) and you will be entered for a chance to win one of these fine prizes.
Now, if you do want to tell your blogging friends about this giveaway then that would be okay with me. Some of you have taken a chance use one or more of my Copy & Share If You Dare Doodles, and (hint, hint) if you wanted to return the favor by telling others about my little giveaway, then that would be nice. And as your mother use to say, "It's nice to be nice."
A proper method of contact will be important for you to provide to me, just in case you win. A back link to your blog will suffice, but I can't tell you if you won if I don't have anyway of making contact.
Only one entry per person will be accepted. Multiple comments will not give you more opportunities to win. No cheating allowed!! I'll tell your mother if you do. Also, my immediate family members are not eligible. Sorry family. It just wouldn't be right.
When will the winners be announced?
The cut off for entry is 10 PM, Pacific Standard time, January 4th. I will be selecting the winners, with the help of my daughter, that evening and I will announce the winners sometime on the morning of January 5th. After that, I will trying to make contact with the each person and begin making the necessary arrangements so that they can receive their prize.
That's it! Good luck!!
AND NOW!!! an unveiling...

This time there IS a catch. The only way you can fully appreciate and properly visually explore this creation is to purchase a copy from me for a mere $10 (plus $3 S&H - $5 outside the U.S.) That's right! This particular doodle is for sell.
I know what you're thinking: "Why only $10?" Well, it's because I get these printed at my local pharmacy. So, we're not talking about a professional print here. BUT, each print will be clean and clear and have one bit of doodle originality drawn on it by me. So no two copies will be exactly alike. AND each copy will have an original signature by me. What more could you ask for?
For your purchase you will enjoy hours, upon hours of fun exploration of this crazy creation, as you sit and ask yourself, "What's wrong with this fellow?"
All you have to do is e-mail me at, and tell me that you want to make a purchase and I will make the necessary arrangements with you so that you can have your very own piece of cartoon history.
Hey people! Momma needs a new pair of shoes. So dig out that Christmas money that Aunt Betty gave you because she was too lazy to go out and buy you a real gift and treat yourself to your very own copy of this delicious doodle delicacy. Your brain will thank you.
So order now!