I do my share of blog surfing around the net - it's one way that I've gotten the attention of a number of you. I've seen a wide variety of blogs focusing on number of different "themes". One of the subjects that I have seen are blogs dealing with weight loss.
(Ouch! - I don't like the subject - don't even like typing the words: "weight loss". Ouch again!)
But this is Caroline's chosen blog theme and she wanted me to create a doodle for a header on
Caroline's Commitment. What was I going to say... "No"? I couldn't do that. After all, Caroline already had me create
something to celebrate her parent's anniversary. So, despite my aversion to the... ummm, subject at hand, I acquiesced and went to doodling.
This was another carica- ture that went fairly easy. The lion tamer idea was something that I suggested. I'm glad that Caroline let me go with it, AND I'm looking forward to seeing the doodle at the top of her blog. Go ahead and check it out. Leave her a note of encouragement, because the last I read she needed a little motivation.
(As if my doodle wasn't enough for that?)Thanks Caroline for trusting me on a second go around. Good luck on the... the... weight loss thing.
Holy cow! That's amazing!
Great drawing - wish I could tame my scales!
had a look on her blog too - she's done really well so far.
Love this one! That scale is brilliant! Must have a bull whip in hand next time I weigh myself....
Crack that whip eggy!!! Cute drawing I love it... and I so wish you would not cuss on your blog Rick... "weight loss" indeed! :D
That turned out great!
I have my very own whip too.. glad to see eggy has too. Weight loss. ... yep it's an ugly ugly topic....
I would love a pic of the scales trying to squeeze through the floorboards to get away from me! LOL Only joking....
Love it!!! I can not get over how talented you are...simply amazing.
Thanks for sticking up for me on my blog in regards to the comments from "Anonymous". I really do appreciate it.
Wow your art is amazing! Thanks for dropping by my blog! :)
Outstanding! You captured it!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Geez! You are amazing!!! What a gift. You rock :)_
Thanks for stopping by.
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