A collection of doodles with a bit of commentary by RICK GREEN - your cartooning friend

Monday, December 29, 2008

Great Big Humongus Giveaway

Time is up! The polls are closed!

Check in tomorrow morning for the big announcement.


Here it is!! Welcome to my second annual Great Big Humongous Giveaway!

January 4th will mark two years since I started Organized Doodles. To celebrate I am giving away some PRIZES!

What are the prizes?

1. I am giving away a copy of one of my doodles to four different individuals, chosen by a random drawing. The selected winners will be asked to surf back through my blog and select one of the various doodles that I've posted in the past. After telling me which doodle they have selected I will send them a signed copy of the piece. I'll even pay for shipping. The possible selections do not include one of the caricatures that I've drawn for others. (But would you really want one of those?) But the possible selections DO include any one of the various pieces of cartoon artwork that I've posted on this blog.


2. I am giving away one free caricature drawn personally by me - the doodle king himself. Upon selection, all that the winner will have to do is e-mail me a clear, large photo of themselves, or of whomever they would like me to draw, and I will create for him, or her, their very own caricature - like the many, many that I've posted on my blog these past two years.

Please note: The caricature can only be an illustration of one individual - no group drawings please. (I know how some of you people operate.)

What's the Catch?

There is no catch. This is just my way of saying thanks to all the people that have made this blogging thing the adventure that it has been for me.

Two years ago I began Organized Doodles as a way to post my cartoons onto the world wide web. At that time I had an audience of zero. These past two years have give me the chance to digitally meet many great people. It's been a lot of fun.

This giveaway is my little way of saying thanks to all the people that visit my blog and have given me so much fun.

How do I sign up?

All you have to do is make a comment on this post and your name will be put into the hat, bowl, bath tub, whatever, for a chance to win. That's it! There's no creating a link on your blog back to this mine. No sending in five box tops. No giving away your first born child. (Not that you'd want to - right?) Nothing like that. Just make a comment (preferable a kind one) and you will be entered for a chance to win one of these fine prizes.

Now, if you do want to tell your blogging friends about this giveaway then that would be okay with me. Some of you have taken a chance use one or more of my Copy & Share If You Dare Doodles, and (hint, hint) if you wanted to return the favor by telling others about my little giveaway, then that would be nice. And as your mother use to say, "It's nice to be nice."

A proper method of contact will be important for you to provide to me, just in case you win. A back link to your blog will suffice, but I can't tell you if you won if I don't have anyway of making contact.

Only one entry per person will be accepted. Multiple comments will not give you more opportunities to win. No cheating allowed!! I'll tell your mother if you do. Also, my immediate family members are not eligible. Sorry family. It just wouldn't be right.

When will the winners be announced?

The cut off for entry is 10 PM, Pacific Standard time, January 4th. I will be selecting the winners, with the help of my daughter, that evening and I will announce the winners sometime on the morning of January 5th. After that, I will trying to make contact with the each person and begin making the necessary arrangements so that they can receive their prize.

That's it! Good luck!!

AND NOW!!! an unveiling...

This is a piece that I've been telling you about recently. I'm calling it "Doodlenormous." It is a collection of nonsensical doodles that I created purely for fun. It is an 11x14 illustration with an 1/2 inch border. Hidden within it's menagerie of madness are 13 egg-men! Why 13? Because 13 is funnier than 12. Makes sense? (If you're saying, "egg-men?", then you're new to these parts.)


This time there IS a catch. The only way you can fully appreciate and properly visually explore this creation is to purchase a copy from me for a mere $10 (plus $3 S&H - $5 outside the U.S.) That's right! This particular doodle is for sell.

I know what you're thinking: "Why only $10?" Well, it's because I get these printed at my local pharmacy. So, we're not talking about a professional print here. BUT, each print will be clean and clear and have one bit of doodle originality drawn on it by me. So no two copies will be exactly alike. AND each copy will have an original signature by me. What more could you ask for?

For your purchase you will enjoy hours, upon hours of fun exploration of this crazy creation, as you sit and ask yourself, "What's wrong with this fellow?"

All you have to do is e-mail me at green_rick@juno.com, and tell me that you want to make a purchase and I will make the necessary arrangements with you so that you can have your very own piece of cartoon history.

Hey people! Momma needs a new pair of shoes. So dig out that Christmas money that Aunt Betty gave you because she was too lazy to go out and buy you a real gift and treat yourself to your very own copy of this delicious doodle delicacy. Your brain will thank you.
So order now!


1 – 200 of 244   Newer›   Newest»
Juliana said...

Oh my goodness, I would love to win this!

Juliana AT JulianaGordon DOT com

Unknown said...

wow! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I would love to win :) sabrae_carter@yahoo.com

darsden said...

Fabulous Rick, nice drawings. Would love a chance to win it. Who knows if I don't...might just be placing an order. Happy New Year!

MaBunny said...

LOL Rick. Okies here is my entry;)
I love the multi-doodle - and will have to think about ordering one of those! kind of a wheres eggy thing...

Dot O said...

Awesome contest that I'd love to win!! I will mention your giveaway on twitter too! Although by doing that, I will dramatically be decreasing my chances of winning but, oh well it is the proper thing to do!

Sandra in NM* said...

Hiya Rick! Throw my name into that hat! I already have a couple of ideas of which doodle to pick. I have liked so many of them though. I love coming to you site to check out your work, see what's going on in Rick's life and of course, to find Eggy! Happy New Year!

Michelleigh said...

I've been watching for your post about the giveaway! Super cool!


darsden said...

BTW congrats on 2 years blogging!

Doda said...

Cool! That's nice of you. Count me in please!

noexcuses said...

Okay, throw my name in, too! I love your doodles and especially finding Eggy! Congrats on your two years!

Harbor Hon said...

Just sent you my order for one! Can't wait to see what you've done with 'eggy.'

Good Luck to all of us in your giveaway! Thanks for hosting this. xxoo

Shannon said...

Now what do I do with all those box tops I was saving? I really do hope I win. Your doodles are so much fun!

WeaselMomma said...

Count me in, this is cool giveaway.

Reddirt Woman said...

What fun!! I love give-aways. You know you are the Doodler Extraordinaire in my book, so put my name in the hat or bath tub or what-ever.


Mrs4444 said...

Cunt me in!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

You are very talented! I will feel honored to win one of your doodles! *Fingers Crossed*

Thanks for being bold enough to leave me a comment. I'm glad I got a chance to see this!

Tisa said...

Fun giveaway! ~ :) Please count me in ! Thanks!

acmilan68 [at] ywave.com

Jenni said...

I am in! Very cool giveaway!

Jess said...

Thanks for stopping by to let me know about your give away! Sign me up and pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh go on then, I'm sure I have room for another one of your masterpieces on my wall.

Happy Anniversary from your firstest English purchaser.

Anonymous said...


Good Morning! What a nice post to wake up to!!! LOl

A CONTEST!!! I would love to enter your contest!!

My personal favorite is Christy's. I really liked it and now she is one of my dear bloggy friends and I just adore her!!
Thanks to you ~ I have a new friend that is important to me and I am amazed at your talent!!

God has given you a wonderful gift and you share it sooo easily with all of us!

Thank you for touching us all in some special way!!!

Good Luck Everyone!!! :o)

AlaneM said...

I'm so excited Rick, I love your doodles & I'm stoked about getting a chance to win one!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Rick :)

Thanks for visiting Flip'n Crazy! Feel free to stop by any time. And thanks for the chance to win one of your Doodles! :)

Brenda said...

I'm not sure why you want to know if I feel my cat, Lucky, but yes. Put me in for your drawings. They would look great in my some-day office.

Justabeachkat said...

Pick me! Pick me! Oh, pretty please! I want my own doodle.

George is still so thrilled with his doodle. Every one who has seen it has loved it too.

I pray you have a blessed 2009!


scargosun said...

I am thinking I need a good doodle in my life. :)

Chris H said...

Alright already, put me name down to try and win SOMETHING *sigh*... AND you are a bloody pain in the butt cos of course I want to buy one of the doodles with 13 eggy's! Add a fish to mine would ya? No pressure or demands even!!

morninglight mama said...

If we DO offer to give you our firstborn, does that give us more than one entry?!

:) This is me throwing my name in the ring (hat, bathtub, soup bowl, whatever...)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...



And Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 2 years!! I love the doodle you did for me and can't wait for another. The multi-doodle looks awesome!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Tonya Staab said...

One can never have enough Organized Doodles in their collection.

Nola said...

It would tip me over the edge trying to decide which doodle I would like....but what a great way to be sent crazy!! Count me in:)

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter too.
Sandy, HE, Illinois

sjmarcks @ ameritech . net

Eternal Sunshine said...

Another year! Congrats to you.

Here's to many more bloggy years ahead!!

joanne said...

I would absolutely love/enjoy/cheer/jumpupanddown/to win this ;)

Also, wanted to share/steal/copy baby New Year sooo Thanks. And Happy New year to you and yours.


The Mom Jen said...

So cool, thanks Rick for the head's up and for the chance to win!! Happy New Year!

Kat said...

Have I ever told you how awesomesauce you are?!

Anonymous said...

What a great contest! Please count me in :)
You do great work!!!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

ok put me in the hat for the anniversary drawings and I SOOOOO WANT A EGGY DOODLE!!!!! you know how to contact me and let me know final numbers!!!!!
HUGS laura

Erika Jean said...

OMG i would LOOooooVE to win. Count me IN.

I'll be posting about this shortly ;-)

Tonjia said...

oh count me in!! I love your doodles and winning one would be awesome!


Michelle said...

See, Rick -- at least one entry from your comment on my blog. And hey, if you're interested in first born children, I may have one I can at least lend you if not give you ;)

Anonymous said...

Cool giveaway! Count me in! :)

Karen Deborah said...

count me in I'd love a doodle.

Bobie said...

pick me pick me pick me

Paula said...

Count me in too brother.

Tammy said...

Clicked over from Leigh at Bloggeritaville. Love the doodles.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Rick! All the best to you and your family!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Living With Cavemen said...

Winning one of your pieces of art would be the next best thing to winning the lottery! :)

Congrats on 2 years of blogging.

Your doodles are quite fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Rick!Thanks for letting me know about the drawing.
Fingers are crossed!

Chiloe said...

Enter me for a chance to win !!! Maybe I'll be lucky in 2009 !!! lol

I Love Purple More Than You said...

What a great giveaway! And I love how there are no catches, and we don't have to link back and add you to our blogroll, etc, etc. When I was doing Twilight giveaways, I did them the same way. Just enter and a name is picked. A man after my own heart.

Ok, now you can pick me. :)

Angela said...

I thought I already left a comment here. So I'm here..leaving a comment. If I did already, well this is Angelo, not Angela..LOL
Happy New Year!!

TheresaJ said...

Hi Rick -- thanks for stopping by my blog (about two weeks ago) and leaving the nice compliment. Much appreciated. Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to you, but I've been on a bit of a blog break. :)

Love your blog though. Your doodles are fabulous and you blog always a good read.

Hope the new year brings you all you hope for!

And yes, please do enter me in your very generous giveaway.

- Theresa

Gaspegirl said...

Oh Rick... this would be an awesome prize to win! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

MJ said...

What an awesome thing for you to do!

I would love to win this one.

Harmony said...

Love your blog, you are very talented. It would be great to win one of your drawings! Happy blogiversary!

CG said...

Would love to be included in your fab draw!

Nothing to See said...

Rick, it looks like I am comment 59. And, you are real popular with the girls. Cool!

Your work always makes me smile. Finding the egg-man is fun too.

I would love a chance to win, so put my name in your hat (sink, bathtub, etc.)


RenMan said...

even if I don't win (and know my luck...)

I already fell a winner just to have the privilege to see all these amazing doodles and follow the stories of their creation.

(oh, and when that competitive doodle w/ the pastor is finished -- sell it too!-- great fund raiser for youth group or charity!)

Terri Tiffany said...

So glad you let me know about this! I would absolutely LOVE to win one of your drawings!!!! Sign me up please!

Partner of a Pilot said...

I hope you have a great 2009! Happy New Year, and I would be absolutely thrilled at a chance to win one of your drawings, I was so pleased with the blog artwork you did for me!

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at all the people who love your work!! That's so cool. You already know I love it and I'm wanting one of those $10 deals as well just for fun. I'll drop an email or you can send me the info to mail you a check or whatever.

Great fun Rick! Can't wait for Jan. 4th.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!!

squashcakes at yahoo dot com

Thank you!!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I would love to win. I've been trying to decide if I should have you draw a single for my husband's office or a group drawing of all of us....but if I won a single...the decision would be made!

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Kristy said...

Hey Rick! Thanks for stopping by my blog to remind me about your giveaway! Your so kind. I hope I win! Don't we all? lol I may just have to get me a copy of that doodle you have there on sell, just gotta wait until pay day. ;)

Beth Macre said...

Gee, I guess I'm a little late to sign up, but I just found your blog through another blog. Have a happy and safe new year!

Aimee said...

Thanks for letting me know about this =]

So this is my official entry! lol

Peace & Love

noexcuses said...

Thanks for stopping by, Rick! I thought that I did leave an entry yesterday. I'm such a dork; I probably deleted it thinking I was posting it.

Of course I want to enter! I love your doodles, just about every single one (the ones with hairy guys sort of turn me off - but I still think they are all great!)

I love looking for Eggy and was a little disappointed that I couldn't blow up Doodlenormous! Duh...I guess I'll just have to purchase a copy!

Please enter me NOW....

Hope you and your family have a joyous and peaceful 2009!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Love to own a unique, one-of-a-kind doodle! Thanks much for a great giveaway.

noexcuses said...

Guess what? I just found my post at 10th spot! Please don't disqualify me, it was an honest mistake. I scrolled down five minutes ago and missed the first entry. Like I said, I'm a dork!

Please make sure I only get entered once!

4 Lettre Words said...

How cool is this!?! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today, Rick.

Happy New Year!

Debbie said...

I want to win!!!
Thanks Rick!!

Happy New Year!!!

God Bless~

Jessi said...

Ooo, I would love to win. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance. :D

Susan Rudat said...

Oh Boy, this is exciting! I would love to be a winner, thank you for the opportunity. Happy New Year to you Rick, and to All!

Ivanhoe said...

I love your doodles and would like to win one of them ;o)
Have a wonderful New Year!

Emily said...

me me!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

FUN! I love what you do!

Jillene said...

Thanks for being bold and leaving me a comment. What a great contest!! You are very talented!!

elesa said...

Ooh, I hope you draw the names out of a bathtub. That just sounds fun! Thanks!

Becky Montoya Wright said...

Great idea! Has me wondering what I could give away (maybe a piece of my super-great advice).

amelia bedelia said...

I soooo want to win, too! Pick me, pick me! Love your drawings, Rick, you are so talented!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome contest.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for letting me know about your contest! Since this is my first visit here, I most definitely asked myself, "Eggmen?" I'd love to be entered in the drawing. I'm off now to check out your fabulous doodles.

Anna Lefler said...

Super cool!!!

I'm mentioning your contest in my New Year's Day blog post, FYI...

Happy New Year, Rick!

:^) Anna

Christy said...

Enter me, enter me, enter me!!

Happy New Year Rick!!! :)

Vickie said...

I appreciate that you came back to my blog to tell me of the great giveaway.

My first daughter already has a picture and I think it would be great if I can get the other two pictures of themselves.

Thanks for the chance for at least one pricture.

Have a happy new year!

Andi said...

Hi Rick, Arielle and I want one so we can look for Eggy!

akbennett06 at yahoo dot com


Jane In The Jungle said...

Ok I am impressed. Actually I was impressed when I saw you rode a Harley but then I saw your work and am impressed by that also!! Would love to win and have a caricature of Big Daddy for all to see, LOL! Thanks for stopping by the Jungle!

Nicole said...

My favorte doodle is the one you did for Partner of a Pilot. She introduced me to your work. I'd love to see what you can do for me. Pick me! www.cuteculturechick.com

Maki said...

Wow! This is great - Thank you so much for inviting me to the contest.

And congrats on your 2 year anniversary:)

Happy New Year!!!

Private Line said...

ok, it's over........I won..

Janna Leadbetter said...

I did say, "Egg-men?" 'Cuz I'm new to these parts. :) But I wouldn't mind winning one of the prizes...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and pointing me this direction. I wish you much success!

ChurchPunkMom said...

Ooh! who could resist a giveaway like this!! No on.. that's who! Sign me up. :)

Denise Grover Swank said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning and also for the heads up about your giveaway!

http: theresalwaysroomforonemore (dot) com

darsden said...

Coming back by to check it all out again Rick! Happy 2009

Elleah said...

Thank you very much for inviting me! It's very generous that you're giving a drawing away. :)

TuTu's Bliss said...

Very cool. BTW I love the reindeer doodle. My daughter was really bummed we didn't have a chimney for Santa..I should have shown her that and said, "See that is why we make Santa use the door!! hugs, Jen

Jeannette said...

What a cool blog. I would love to win one of these!

Jodi @ SNAPPED said...

Hey Rick, you KNOW that drawing my husband hiking up that mountain was the highlight of your 2008! That you still dream about drawing that F15 fighter jet and the Auburn Flag. I really need my own drawing to go with his! I am feeling left out! Make your 2009 Wonderful by drawing my name! :)
Happy New Year!

Jodi @ SNAPPED said...

What?? It is only on there once! Look, number 100! A nice and even number! Now this one would count as posting a comment TWICE, but certainly the first one was only posted once. Maybe you have a 2009 computer glitch! :)

Linda said...

Ooo I would love to win!! Really cool Rick!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 2 years!

Charm and Grace said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by to let me know about the giveaway! I would love to win one... you are so talented. I love the way God has gifted each of us so differently. I have long admired the art of caricature; it takes a really "creative gene" to be able to get it right. You definitely have it.


Terrell said...

Who is more caricaturable than me! Please count me in. I found your blog via GrannyJ at Walking Prescott. Outstanding doodles!

Mama Dawg said...

I LOVE this. I've never seen your site before but I love it.


Simply Stacie said...

Awesome! Please count me in.


Jenni said...

Oh, sign me up. I am so glad I was reminded this offer was here. I meant to sign up earlier. Pick me, pick me! Crossing my fingers and toes!

C. Beth said...

Thanks for giving me the heads-up on this! :)

Andrea @ Mommy Snacks.net said...

Thanks for stopping by to tell me about these. Your drawings are really cute! Sign me up!

Kori said...

How awesome.I would love to win. Your art is amazing thanks for sharing it with all of us.

Mike said...

Love your doodles. You have a real talent.
Congratulations on two years...and happy 2009!

seriously? said...

A big "YES" from me...I LOVE winning things.


Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Hi Rick~

Thanks for taking the time and coming by my blog to let me know about your giveaway!!

Congrats on 2 years!!

Anonymous said...

What a neat talent that GOD has given you!

Chuck said...

Rick, thanks for stopping by my blog. Like your site, good doodles.

Angie Ledbetter said...

*waving hand wildly in the air while jumping up and down and saying, "Oooo, pick me! Pick me! Pretty please!* :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick,

Glad to have found your blog and talent.

Jillybean said...

I'm leaving you a nice comment :0)

I'm sitting here looking at the bare space on my office wall that seems to be screaming for a piece of original artwork.
Winning one of your drawings would be a great start to the new year!

Congratulations on two years!!


Thanks for visiting today to let me know about your giveaway! I would love to win the personalized one; never had a caricature done before! Happy Blogiversary!

Blessings, Carolynn

Musings of a Homeschooling Mom said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your drawings are awesome! I would love a chance to win one! Happy New Year!

careysue said...

OK, it's one of my daughters birthday on January 5th, so I really want to win!!

Love your artwork and blog! :)

Karen said...

You are amazing! (Does fawning help one win?). Thanks for the opportunity to compete against a bunch of strangers. Again. And happy new year!

Heather said...

What a fun giveaway! A caricature of my son would look great in his room!

Deb said...

Hi - I'm an artist and love to collect art by other artists! I hope I win!
Thanks for the contest!

Kelsey said...

Hi Rick, thanks for stopping by!

I was looking through some of your posts and I'm amazed! I can't believe that you have drawn these! They're amazing!!

Congrats on 2 years, that's pretty exciting!

Possum Princess said...

It would be cool to win!!!
I really like the caricature that you did of my dad!


Anonymous said...

I have visited you before, but just saw your comment on another blog about your contest. I think it would be fun to win. You truly are talented.


mommytoalot said...

Too cool!!
I would LOVE to win...
count me in

Anonymous said...

Hey, just found your site from another blog; really enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm... free stuff. And good, talent filled free stuff at that...

Sign me up. What a great contest and wonderful blog

Hally said...

I'll throw my name into the ring!

Hally, San Jose, CA

hahamommy said...

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
(I don't suppose jumping around like a fool helps my chances in a random drawing? Eh, at least I'm awake now :D)

Mom said...

Thanks for the invite!

Congrats on 2 years, I wish you many more!

Scriptor Senex said...

Count me in, please.

B said...

Your work is great. Wow. I am crossing my fingers that the other 135 comments before me aren't picked. I'll be back to follow you for sure!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you were forward in making a comment on my blog, but I am glad you did.
Olease enter me in your contest, thanks Bill


Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Sweet! I'd love to win, that would be Awesome. :D

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Oops, forgot- slapdashthinking.blogspot dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick!... Been following your cool blog on and off for a while... Dawn/Because I said So sent me your way several months back!... and your comment on Manic Mommy brought me here today! (I love a contest!) Would LOVE to win a doodle!

chriscasano AT optonline DOT net


Kim VanDerHoek said...

WOW, 140 comments! I think I have a snowballs chance in .... of winning but I have to try.

Happy New Year Rick! I can't wait to see more doodles in 2009.

Mammatalk said...

I would love to win this! You've got talent!

Joanne said...

Put me in please! philjo73@bigpond.com

Marcie said...

I want a new doodle drawing for my office makeover. I would love to have something to hang in there. The makeover begins in about a week. Maybe I have a chance to win it and dress up a wall.

The whole feel of the office is whimsy with a cranky touch. Think Maxine and you'll know my style.

Just found you and look what I am seeing.

Best of luck and continued success...

Us3JKJ said...

Ohohoh, I wanna win! I never win anything so maybe this will be the start of my luck changing for 2009?! A girls can hope can't she? Thanks for the opportunity Rick and I hope you have a wonderful, blessed 2009.


Nichole said...

I saw your commment that you left on someone's blog and here I am. I live in a Brookings too!! Not Brookings, Oregon though.

darcymae said...

how fun! pick me!!

steviewren said...

HI Rick, thanks for stopping by my blog. I always love to meet fellow doodlers. Please drop my name in the hat for your humongus giveaway.

Grimm said...

I would love to have a chance at this! Please toss a Grimm into the hat!

High Desert Diva said...

Hey Rick...thanks for stopping by as you were blog surfing.

I'd like to enter the giveaway, but as commenter #150 (wow!) realize my chances are slim...enter me anyway 'cause ya never know.

Nice to find another Oregon blogger!
*waves from Central Oregon*

Country Girl said...

Thanks for stopping in. I'd loved to be entered. Looks like you have some good work here!

Fancy Schmancy said...

Nice to meet you, Rick. If I win, I think I would have you do something with my late brother's picture that involves he favorite activity - fishing - and give it to my mother. As a matter of fact, even if I don't win I might ask you how much you would charge for that. I'm going to email you privately so you have my email address. Thanks for stopping by!

Pam said...

I've seen your drawing on Dawn's site! Thanks for the invite to sign up! Great Work!

Jennifer said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! Your work is awesome! I would love a chance to win! Thanks!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Lettered Cottage said...

I would LOVE to win this contest! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

The Lettered Cottage

Gwen said...

Thanks for stopping by my place and telling me about your giveaway. If I win, I plan to give my prize to Fancy Schmancy because her idea is heartwarming and I know how much it would mean to her.

Anya said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Amelia said...

I'll enter in the free one.


Here's a cool way to electronically draw names from a hat


I use it to choose names off of Freecycle.


Diane said...

Thanks for stopping by. And for the invite to enter! Sounds like a wonderful prize!

Your work is really good. I'll be following to see what you're up to!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Thank you so much for coming by my blog to get me over here to yours. I'm so glad to see your great caractures and doodles. Oh yes, please enter me in your drawing, and please, please pick me! laurie

Dianne said...

Hey Rick! Thanks for the invite. You are one talented guy!

I noticed your motorcycle. I owned a Harely Dyna-Wide Glide for a few years but my husband said I had too many toys so I sold it. Seems there was no room for him to park his car in the garage!

I admire your talent. I can't even draw stick figures!

Coloradolady said...

I know I have been on your site before...I think through Laura~peach~.
thanks for stopping by, count me in.

Unknown said...

Oh good I am not too late to enter. Your doodles are awesome!

Jeanette said...

What a wonderful blog! It's definitely a great way to showcase your talent. I'd love to win your "Humongus Giveaway!"

Wanda said...

You are so awesome! Love your doodles!

I would like to have one of my oldest. He's a senior this year and going to leave for college.
All on his birthday! What a cool gift this would make....for his new pad!


vjc said...

Whew - that's a long list, Rick. But I hope there's room in your washing machine for my name too. I put one of your doodles on my Christmas list but Santa must have taken offense at your doodle of him :) (Or else he was offended with me when I COPYandSHAREifYOUdared-it on my blog.

Thanks and happy New Year!

*Tracy* said...

thanks for stopping by! your very talented!!!. i would love to win a drawing. hugs tracy

*Tracy* said...

just me again forgot to leave my email. moody7279@aol.com
hope your having a good weekend. hugs tracy

Rachel said...

Cool! Thanks very much for alerting me to your giveaway... I got a chance to catch up on some of your recent doodles that I missed in the holiday mayhem!

Thanks and Happy Blog Anniversary!

Beth E. said...

Yes, please enter me! If I win, you can email me through the profile information on my blog.

Thanks :o)

Melissa said...

Dear me! I love to win....that's what I've been saving those box tops for! :D

Melissa :D

Heidi R. said...

wow!! this is super cool. This is the first time i have been to your blog. i will continue to check it out :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Rick. I've been over to your blog several times and even commented once. It was a nice surprise to see you visit mine! I'd love to win a piece of your work. Thanks for sharing!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Winning this would be the coolest way to start of 2009!! What an awesome contest Rick!!!


Rhea said...

Doodlenormous is awesome! Great giveaway too! Thanks for letting me know about it! I'm in, baby!

marc aurel said...

I've gone back aways, but I still like the bible stories with Pharoh and the frogs best.
I grew up on Charles Adams, one of my father's favourites and have long wanted to see a picture of an ice cream truck with a big sign "Watch for children". Behind bars in the back we see the desperate faces of imprisonned kids and, at the side, this sinister man handing out wrist watches instead of ice cream. Sick.

Mary Ellen said...

Okay, for this I'll de-lurk. Thanks for the chance - love your stuff!

Anonymous said...

Winning this would be doodle-rific!
lgilluly AT cbsd DOT org

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Rick!!!
Wow thanks for telling about the give away..please enter my name I would love to enter. Even if I'm comment 178 !!! hope it's a lucky number..I have faith!!! LOL

Hugz Lorie

Sujoy Bhattacharjee said...

Often, when there is nothing much to do, I find myself doodling and making comic sketches.
I have lately been thinking of making this more than a pastime.
Maybe receiving one of your caricatures would be the perfect jump start.

kim-d said...

Oh my gosh--where have I been up until now??? I already know which one I will choose when I win. The power of positive thinking in action...HA!

It's always nice when talented people are generous. Even if I don't win (perish the thought), thanks for the opportunity.

Reya Mellicker said...

Doodlenormus is fabulosous!

Is it too late for me to enter the drawing for the drawing?

Fingers crossed.

What a cool idea, thank you!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Hey Rick, Thanks for stopping bye my blog and inviting me to participate!!

Count me in!

Angela said...

Okay, I`m in it! Angela

Christine said...

Hi Rick! Thanks for letting me know about your blog. It's hilarious and your doodles are great!!! :D I've added you to my bloglines so that I can follow regularly. Now to throw some good voodoo on your blog so that I win. *** :D

masgblog said...

Thanks, Rick, for finding me and for sending this invitation. You're quite the doodler....interesting....

Dianne said...

He had me sell my 1940 Ford Pick Up with the Corvette engine too! Maybe I should sell him next time? Nah, he's a great guy. We were in the process of moving and I did have too many toys.

Meridith said...

Please count me in... I know exactly what pic to submit if I am the lucky winner!

Aileen said...

Hi Rick, Happy New Year to you and yours! So nice to have you stop by my blog! One of my favorite drawings of yours (besides my own of course!) is the Tortise and the Hare-love it!! What a great and generous giveaway! Happy Doodling!

Anonymous said...

Oh pls sign me up I came to your blog via Kat, I loved the drawing you did of her dog Miss Daisy !!!

Oh I hope I win :)

Happy New Year,
Kathy :)

Michelle said...

I am so excited to be a part of the great big giveaway! Even if I don't win I will be contacting you about doing one for my brother. He will turn 50 this year and I want to be able to give him something special.

Congrats on 2 years of blogging!


EMJ said...

What a totally sweet deal!! I would love to be eligible for a cartoon:
Erin MJ and my blog is www.planetlittlejoseph.com

EMJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snooky doodle said...

Thanks for informing me about your blog it is great. You re so talented in doodles. I enjoyed watching all those pictures. Nice job :)

Tammy said...

Count me in!

Thanks for dropping by and inviting me to be apart of this drawing.

Patti said...

I like your doodles Rick!

PLUS, it's my wedding anniversary today - 17 years!

Shell in your Pocket said...

How fun...what a great giveaway!
-sandy toes

Debbie Courson Smith said...

This is great. Thanks for pointing this out to me!

Mental P Mama said...

OMG!!!! Pick me! For everything! liward(at)aol.com

ShellyBlake said...

Thanks for all the doodling you do Rick! I'd love to win too. shelly AT moonlightmail DOT com

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